Saturday, September 10, 2016

Kona, Kona, Kona, Kona, Kona, Chameleon

Well, it’s not from Hawaii, but it is near the water since we are at Geist again to enjoy white mochas from Mama Bears Bakery & Cafe.  Today we take a look at the classic card game known as Coloretto.  In this strategic game of colors and chameleons players work to collect the largest sets of three different colors and two of the smallest before the final round is complete.  This is a very straight forward, but fun card game so come with us as we sip through the aromas and flavors of sweet mochas and allocate a multitude of multi-colored Chameleons.

At the beginning of the game, the players will draw cards to add to the rows.  After a couple of turns, they have the option to either draw more cards as long as it does not exceed the card allotment displayed on the row cards or collect one row of cards ending their turns for that round.  Technically at the beginning of the game, you can either draw a card or collect the row after your first turn, but it’s not in your best interest to collect the row that quickly in the game.  This is because the moment that you collect the card/s from one of the rows, you are out for that round and the other player/s at the table continue playing until everyone has drawn out a row.  In a two player game, you only have three rows with either 1, 2, or 3 allowed cards next to that row card type.  As you gather these cards, you want to make sure that you collect the most of three types as you can, but you have to be mindful that your least amount of card sets are considerably smaller because all of those remaining sets will count against you at the end of the game.

This is a fun little 2 - 5 player card game that can be taught in 2 minutes and played in 10 to 15.  We both love set collection games and especially being someone who has various levels of OCD, matching the most colors to individual sets is thoroughly cathartic to me.  The interactivity during gameplay is somewhat indirect, but you do have influence over the rows that your opponents have to take.  If all players are paying attention and playing their cards well, most of the rows will reveal a combination of good and bad cards for anyone who has a chance at allocating them.  Your skill is put into practice when you know when to take a row, and which rows demonstrate the most benefit.  Since the game is fun and quick to play, it extends well as a filler game at game nights or other events.  The box is very small and sturdy so it transfers very well.  The artwork is minimal, but for a game like this, it doesn’t need to be extravagant.  While it is a solid game, it doesn’t reach our table too often because to us, it’s fairly average.  We aren’t blown away by this one, but it’s not bad either.  It’s just a good little portable card game for a quick round of set collection.

Overall Meeple Rating: 6/10

Game Mechanics:
1) Set Collection
2) Card Allocation

Have any thoughts or questions?  Leave a comment below.


  1. I really do like your reviews. Informative, but straight to the point. Great delivery!
